
A funny book about horrible things
A funny book about horrible things

a funny book about horrible things

If you have not voted for any others, it will become your #1 vote.

a funny book about horrible things

So as long as you have accurately remembered the title, it will pop up, and you can hit the button that says to vote for the book. Obviously, you are expected to have read some books and rated them, or at least checked the "read" or "currently reading" box by them, before you come here to vote. You can enter the title of the book you like and it should pop up, assuming you have already made it one of your "read" or "currently reading" titles. If you click on the other one that says "Add a Book", you will get two windows. The one that automatically shows up is "all votes".

a funny book about horrible things

To add a title to this list, go to the top of the list where you see two tabs on the top right. Those of us with librarian privileges but who have not read the book, cannot, because when you add a book, you also cast a vote. Just a little reminder to those who have suggested books to be added to this thread: only you (or someone else who has read them and wishes to vote for them) can add these to the list.

A funny book about horrible things