
A man and a woman robin schone
A man and a woman robin schone

She is published in thirteen countries, including China, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Russia and Spain. Her history is impeccable the storytel USA Today Bestselling Author Robin Schone is the recipient of the Romantic Times 2008 Career Lifetime Achievement Award for Most Innovative Historical Romances.

a man and a woman robin schone

Scandalous Lovers (Kensington Brava 2007) was chosen by RUSQ ( Reference & User Services Quarterly, the official journal of the Reference and User Services Association of the American Library Association) as one of five books to represent the "wide range of historical fiction in romance." Claims RUSQ: "Robin Schone writes sensual, explicit stories.about characters who are frequently older and less beautiful than most romance protagonists. USA Today Bestselling Author Robin Schone is the recipient of the Romantic Times 2008 Career Lifetime Achievement Award for Most Innovative Historical Romances.

A man and a woman robin schone