That might be an inconvenience but, let’s face it, folks, these diaries are going to be really long as is. I’ll try not to repeat references, so you might well have to backtrack to earlier installments to look things up. In the comments, it would be great if you would do the same, and add lines that you think are particularly punchy.Īfter the story jump I’ll add preparatory references for the next act, which are just for your convenience. Let me know if this pace is good for you, or whether it’s too fast or too slow.įirst I’ll post a chapter summary, with backstory and details that I think are important (or at least interesting). Alecto the Ninth will not be published until later this year, but we’ll be ready for it. If it’s okay with you, we’ll keep the same plan and pace throughout, unless some random event intervenes to postpone us a week.

We’ll read one act of Gideon the Ninth every week for the next five weeks, pause for a week and look back at all the reveals and their implications, and then move on the Harrow the Ninth. And then Nona the Ninth. So, here at the beginning, a few bits of business. I don’t know anyone who is lukewarm about The Locked Tomb books either you love them, perplexing as they are, or you dislike them. A heady mix of mystery, horror, theology, psychology, comedy, and swordplay. Now that is an opening sentence! Mixing high and low styles, the serious and the comedic, the reverent and the profane, echoing both stentorian tones of “in the year of Our Lord.” and the startling ubiquity of skin mags - from the first Tamsyn Muir gives us the flavor of the journey we are about to take.

Tamsyn Muir is the author of this book.The official release date is September 10th, 2019.English is the primary language of this book.Gideon the Ninth is the first novel by Tamsyn and this novel published in 2019 and nominated for many awards. In 2019 Tamsyn was nominated for several awards because of the best debut novel. Gideon the ninth is the first novel of Tamsyn was published in 2019 and that was considered a successful debut novel. Tamsyn Muir was born on 14 March 1985 in New Zealand.

About the author of this book Tamsyn Muir :