Roseanna ( has been having opinions about books for about as long as she’s been reading, and yelling them into the void since 2012. To appease this need to review and analyze everything she reads, Robin has founded her BookTube channel, The Book Wormhole. Robin Rose Graves ( is a science fiction writer who will never pass up the opportunity to talk about what she is reading. The sweet voice on your shoulder telling you that it’s ok to get a new book. They are not a Moriarty, honest. Matt aka is a book tempter – ahem, blogger – at Runalongtheshelves. You can follow her on any of her many social media pages: In addition to reading, you can find her gaming, running, cooking, gardening and writing (check out her other published works online!). Aquavenatus, Mist圓06) is a book reviewer for both her personal blog and Fantasy-Faction. They blog around the internet at various places including Galactic Journey and Geek Syndicate. Kris Vyas-Myall ( is the co-founder of Cloaked Creators and someone who reads way too much fiction and likes anything bizarre, the weirder the better. He is the author of The Wall and The Horizon, and reviews and edits for Strange Horizons magazine. Gautam Bhatia ( is an Indian SF writer, editor, and reviewer.

Imyril ( reviews SFF at There’s Always Room For One Moreand is the resident spreadsheet dragon for Wyrd and Wonder, SciFiMonth and Subjective Chaos (yes, even chaos benefits from a little organisation, shh). They can be found blogging about diverse books, novellas and small press publications at themiddleshelf. ( fell into scifi and fantasy at 13 and has never recovered since.

She can also be found at Strange Horizons.Ĭ.

She divides her time between reading, interacting with dogs, and working in international development. Adri ( is co-editor of the Hugo Award winning fanzine Nerds of a Feather, Flock Together, and a semi-aquatic mammal currently living in the UK.